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A Comedy Self-help Podcast to Make Life Suck Less!

Jun 1, 2020

On today’s bonus episode, Lisa and Misty create a starter list for our white listeners to help them take actions to be better allies.

If you are confused about the difference between “white saviors” and allyship, and to read a list of frequently asked questions, you can head to

Easy actions to take:

Donate to organizations doing the work:

The National Council for Incarcerated and Formerly Incarcerated Women and Girls


Southern Poverty Law Center

United Negro College Fund

Black Youth Project

The Sentencing Project

Families against Mandatory Minimums

A New Way of Life

Dream Defenders


Black Lives Matter

Showing Up For Racial Justice

Black Visions Collective 

The Minnesota Freedom Fund

North Star Health Collective

Follow intersectional accounts on social media! Here are a few to get you started:












Listen to podcasts! 

1619 Project - read here

1619 Project - listen here

So, Lisa mentions “On Being White” during the episode, but it’s actually called Scene On Radio and the entire second season is dedicated to “Seeing White”, the exploration of whiteness. When I listened, there were only three episodes, but now there are 14! You can start with episode one of season 2, called “Turning The Lens” here

The rest of these actions are Medium or Hard, depending on your abilities, tolerance and time commitments!

Have conversations with your friends and family. Become vocal. 

Read books to expand your knowledge:

White Fragility

I’m Judging You

Between the World and Me

So You Want to Talk About Race

An Indigenous Peoples’ History of the United States

And check out this Anti-Racist Reading List from the New York Times and this list of Racial Justice Books for White People from Showing Up for Racial Justice.

Explore your own inherent biases and where they came from. Take The Harvard Bias test online.

Volunteer and get involved with organizations doing the work. Two national examples to start: 

White People 4 Black Lives

Showing Up For Racial Justice

Call your reps when you see an injustice, and urge them to hold the perpetrators accountable. Resistbot is an amazing, easy way to do this -- all you have to do is text the word RESIST to Resistbot on iMessage, Messenger, Twitter, Telegram, or to 50409 on SMS to get started. 

Volunteer to help black men and women, indigenous people, and people of color elected to office. 


Do what you can. Act now. Speak up.