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A Comedy Self-help Podcast to Make Life Suck Less!

What the heck is hygge and why do we need it?

Oct 25, 2019

This week, we attempt to answer that question when we review the New York Times Bestseller The Little Book of Hygge: Danish Secrets to Happy Living by Meik Wiking. 

Meik Wiking is the CEO of The Happiness Research Institute.  He is a Research Associate for Denmark at the World Database of Happiness, member of the policy advisory group for the Global Happiness Policy Report and Founding member of The Latin American Network for Wellbeing and Quality of Life Policies.  

In this Little Book of Hygge book review, we get cozy with the following chapters to learn if hygge really is the key to happiness:

  1. Light
  2. We Need To Talk About Hygge
  3. Togetherness
  4. Food And Drink
  5. Clothing
  6. Home
  7. Hygge Outside The Home
  8. Hygge All Year Round
  9. Hygge On The Cheap
  10. Hygge Tour Of Copenhagen
  11. Christmas
  12. Summer Hygge
  13. Five Dimensions Of Hygge
  14. Hygge And Happiness

If you like what you’re hearing, you can buy the book here.

If you want to know more about the author, head to the Happiness Research Institute.

 And, as always, please subscribe, rate and review Go Help Yourself!

Let us know how you incorporate more hygge into your life! E-mail us at


Wishing you lots of abundant hygge,